TYT Car Charger for TH-F8 TH-UVF8 TH-UVF8D TH-UVF9 TH-UVF9D Model 2-Way Radios
You buy TYT Car Charger for TH-F8 TH-UVF8 TH-UVF8D TH-UVF9 TH-UVF9D Model 2-Way Radios with Coupon : TELEX will be discounted 10%
Why Use TYT Car Charger for TH-F8 TH-UVF8 TH-UVF8D TH-UVF9 TH-UVF9D Model 2-Way Radios ?
There are many good reviews about this ice maker. Most customers feel happy with the quality of this portable ice maker. There are three main ice cube sizes that are available, including small, medium, and also large. .TYT Car Charger for TH-F8 TH-UVF8 TH-UVF8D TH-UVF9 TH-UVF9D Model 2-Way Radios will help your job easier dexType: Accessories
Walkie Talkie Type: Car
Maximum Range: 3km-5km
Dimensions: 10.5*9.5*3.5cm
Is_Display: No
Color: Black
Weight: 66g
Output voltage: 8.4V
Input voltage: 7.2V ~ 13.8V
Part number: BF-UV5R
Feather: Battery Eliminator
Usage: car radio battery adapter convenient for you to use your radio in car is_customized: Yes
You buy TYT Car Charger for TH-F8 TH-UVF8 TH-UVF8D TH-UVF9 TH-UVF9D Model 2-Way Radios with Coupon : TELEX will be discounted 10%